What Jesus Says About Greed
This was the response of Jesus to someone in the crowd who asked him to tell his brother to split his inheritance with him.
Seems like a fair ask, right? Two brothers splitting an inheritance—what’s the problem with that?
If this man was taking precious time to ask Jesus to set his brother straight, the two weren’t seeing eye-to-eye about the matter. The man seemed to care more about the inheritance than he did about mending his relationship with his brother.
Furthermore, if the man was using precious time communicating with Jesus to try to get Him to take his side, he was missing things of far more eternal significance.
Jesus takes the time to point this out—He warns him against greed and reminds him none of it is eternal. He points out he should be more concerned about the things of God than he is with the riches of the world.
Sometimes it’s hard for us to keep this in mind. We work for money. We think about how we can make more, make it stretch further or what we might do if it were no object. And sometimes those thoughts become obsessive.
Here Jesus is reminding us to keep the main thing the main thing—the things of God before anything else this world has to offer…even riches!
“Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”
Luke 12:15 NIV