I'm a pastor's wife and an ordained minister (with the Church of God out of Cleveland, TN). My husband and I live in the Midwest with our little girl (who I will lovingly refer to as "K" or "Baby Girl").
I became a wife just a few months shy of my 30th birthday and experienced a little bit of an identity crisis when it came to my place in ministry. I had been a lead pastor of a small congregation for a few years and I shifted to the role of pastor's wife shortly after we married. I felt lost.
About seven years later, I became a mother for the first time. It was as if the clouds parted and suddenly I knew what God had for me to do. My mission field became my home and I knew my job was to lead our little girl (and any future children) to the Lord. I went back to the basics of my faith and found that women who are wives and mothers could benefit from some of the things I was learning. That's when I decided to start focusing on women's discipleship.
Life gets busy and sometimes we forget to cultivate our faith so we can, in turn, pour into the lives of the family and friends in our circle. So here I am starting LifeHerStyle hoping that I can pave the way for other women to grow in their faith in a way that will enhance their God-given roles in their communities.
What is LifeHerStyle?
LifeHerStyle is a Christian Discipleship Ministry geared towards women. Through the study of scripture and life application, we seek to help women grow in their faith and, in turn, make disciples themselves. Our mission is the Great Commission: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
-Matthew 28:19
LifeHerStyle takes Christian lifestyle content one step further. Our content is not meant to entertain you, it's meant to challenge you. We're not looking to get you to buy into the latest product craze, we're looking to get you interested in learning what the Bible has to say and how to apply it to your daily life. Here, Christianity is not a trend, it's a way of life...everlasting life.
Just as Paul called others to follow his example, we are doing the same. "Join together in following my example, [brothers and] sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live like we do." -Philippians 3:17